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MegaPhone is a screen based telephony application (SBT) that provides a powerful way to manage your telephone calls from your computer desktop. In addition to drag-and-drop dialing, callerID display, and call logging, MegaPhone includes features like VoiceMail, TouchTone Navigator, and Smart Speed Dial.

MegaPhone 9.0
Mac OS

MegaPhone v9.0 will run on PowerPC based systems running Mac OS 8.6 through 9.2.2 or Mac OS X using the Classic environment. MegaPhone v9.0 is currently available to participants in The MegaPhone Company beta program.

MegaPhone 10.0
Mac OS X

MegaPhone v10.0 will run on Macintosh systems running Mac OS X (10.2.x). MegaPhone v10.0 is currently under development and is targeted for early 2003. However it is dependent on future capabilities of Jaguar. In will be made available to participants in The MegaPhone Company beta program once it is ready for beta testing.

MegaPhone 2002v2

MegaPhone 2002v2 will run on Windows-based PCs running Windows 95b, Windows 98, Windows 98se Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. MegaPhone 2002v2 can be downloaded from the Download Page and serial numbers are available for sale online.
MegaPhone 2002v2 for Windows is available for a limited time at the introductory price of $79. An "upgrade" price of $59 is offered to those switching from older versions of MegaPhone.


PhonePro is the original easy to use telephony application builder. By connecting and configuring icons that represent program steps, you can quickly build powerful scripts that handle telephone calls and interact with your callers. PhonePro can be integrated with databases and other applications to build completely automated solutions.

PhonePro 9.0
Mac OS

PhonePro v9.0 will run on PowerPC based systems running Mac OS 8.6 through 9.2.2 or Mac OS X using the Classic environment. PhonePro v9.0 can be downloaded from the Download Page and serial numbers are available for sale online.
PhonePro is available for a limited time at the introductory price of $199.

PhonePro 10.0
Mac OS X

PhonePro v10.0 will run on Macintosh systems running Mac OS X (10.2.x). PhonePro v10.0 is currently under development and is targeted for early 2003. However it is dependent on future capabilities of Jaguar. In will be made available to participants in The MegaPhone Company beta program once it is ready for beta testing.

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